You can manage several Settings to configure your analysis specifically to that repository. To access repository settings, Go to the analysis information page of any repository and click on the Settings tab.
When you go to the repository settings, General settings will be selected by default. In the General Settings, you can control the default analysis branch, issue configuration, analysis settings, etc.
Default analysis branch
The default analysis branch is the branch that will be analyzed by DeepSource every time a change is made to that branch. The first-time analysis of the repository is made on the master/main branch by default.
To change the default analysis branch, you can enter the branch name in the box and press enter. The branch will be updated, and it will initiate the analysis on that branch.
Enable git submodules
You can enable analysis on any git submodules in your repository. Toggle "Enable git submodules" in Settings > General
If DeepSource starts complaining about cloning, you need to give read access to these submodules (see the screencast below):
Navigate to
Settings > SSH Access
and click on+ Generate SSH key pair
.Copy the key and paste it as a deploy key in the submodule repository.
If you have multiple submodules, you must add the generated SSH key to all submodules. In case of GitHub, this won't work – it would complain that this key is in use elsewhere. To fix this, create a machine user, add the generated SSH key for that user, and give this machine user access to all your submodule repositories.
Analysis settings
In the Analysis setting, you can control the scope of analysis, generate or modify the configuration, and activate or deactivate the analysis on the repository.
Analysis scope
DeepSource offers two different modes of analysis scopes that you can set according to your choice.
Granular analysis: This is the default analysis scope in which issues will be reported only on newly added (or) modified lines and recentyly introduced issues on the file due to changed lines.
Broad analysis: This is another mode that you can activate to detect and list all the issues of that file that are raised.
Read this discuss post to know more.
Analysis configuration
You can click on the Generate configuration button to generate the .deepsource.toml
file at the repository's root. You can also use this to modify the configuration.
See also
Analysis status
You can Deactivate analysis in a repository whenever you want. To do so, you need to go to the General settings under Repository settings. When the analysis on your repository is active, the button will be green and display the status Analysis active on the button.
The status on the button will change to Deactivate analysis in red when you hover the cursor on the button. Click on it to deactivate analysis.
You can embed these badges in the project's README, wiki, or website to display your repository's code quality status, which is linked to the DeepSource dashboard of your project.
To add the badge, click on the Copy button to copy the badge code and paste it into the project's README, wiki, or website.
- Preview: In this section, you will see the preview of the badge and how it will look in your README.
- Badge Type: There are two types of badges: Active issues and Resolved issues. You can select any one of them; the Preview and the badge code will be updated. You can copy the code and add it to your README.
- Trend: You can toggle this on to add a trendline showing how the metric's value (Active issues or Resolved issues) has varied in the last six months.
- Format: DeepSource gives you options to choose from several formats for badge code. You can select anyone from the drop-down menu, and the badge code will be updated in the preview section. By default, markdown is selected as the format for badge code.
Autofix settings
You can go to the Autofix settings under Repository settings to check whether Autofix is enabled in a repository or not. If Autofix is not enabled in the repository, it will ask you to install the Autofix app in the repository, as shown in the image below.
If the Autofix is already up and running in the repository, it will display the prompt below.
DeepSource Autofix app needs the necessary permissions to create pull requests automatically.
Ignore rules
You can go to the Ignore rules tab under repository settings if you want to take a look at all the to ignore rules that you have added or if you're going to remove any ignore rules.
To remove an Ignore rule, click on the bin icon next to it.
SSH Access
If your repository has external private dependencies, you need to grant DeepSource access to fetch those dependencies via this public key.
To give DeepSource access to your private dependencies, please follow these steps:
In your repository's dashboard on DeepSource, go to Settings and then select SSH access in the navigation.
Next, click on Generate SSH key pair in the SSH access section to generate the key pair. Having done that, click on Copy to copy the public key for this repository. You'll need to add this public key to all private dependencies this repository requires access to. On GitHub, you can do so by adding this key as a Deploy key in the repository's settings.
Once the key has been added to the repository, DeepSource should now have access to your private dependencies.
GitLab Integration Mode
This setting is visible only for a GitLab repository.
Our GitLab integration comes in two modes,
- Commit Status: We use the GitLab Commit Status API to create a pipeline. This can be used to block merges based on the results from DeepSource. This is the default mode for any new repositories onboarded on DeepSource after this change was released (May 19, 2022).
- Comments: We post a comment on the respective merge request with the analysis results. This is deprecated and will be removed soon.
You can choose between these two integration modes on per repository basis. Learn more.
If you want to use DeepSource CLI or you are using Test Coverage analyzer in your repository, then you'll need to retrieve the DSN that can be obtained from Reporting tab under Repository Settings.
The DSN sends any external information about the repository to DeepSource from external sources, such as DeepSource CLI. Please keep this value confidential.
See also
Issue configuration
You can configure what type of issues you want to be reported by DeepSource after analysis. You can also configure to block a pull request when a particular issue is caught in the pull requests created for that repository.
Metric configuration
You can configure what metrics you want to be reported by DeepSource after analysis. You can also configure to block a pull request when a particular metric fails its configured threshold condition in the pull requests created for that repository.
Audit log
As the name suggests, the Audit log is the report of all the activities done in a DeepSource account. It will capture and display events by recording who performed an activity, what when, and where the activity was performed, along with other information such as IP address.
Repository members
You can customize access to each repository in your team with granular permission levels, giving people access to the features and tasks they need.
See also
This setting is only available in a Team's repository.