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DeepSource Enterprise integrates with the source hosting provider to run continuous analysis.


You'd need to create an app on GitHub which would seamlessly allow DeepSource to integrate with your code review workflow. This app also ensures that DeepSource gets notified (via webhooks) each time there's a change in any of your repositories.

To create the app, you can run the script below -- it shall open the GitHub app registration page and populate the respective fields with appropriate values.

python3 <(curl -s

The script will ask you for the following details:

  1. The URL of your self-hosted GitHub instance, e.g.,,com. Defaults to for cloud.
  2. An organization Slug. If your organization is at, enter my-organization here.
  3. The URL of your DeepSource installation, e.g.,

If you're getting a 404 page, ensure that you're logged in and that you have the permission to create apps — Admin access — for the respective organization.

Once the app registration page opens up:

  1. Scroll to the "Webhook" section and check "Active". Supply a random string as the secret. Make sure to remember it, as you will need it later.
  2. Scroll the the "User Permissions" section and select "Read-only" for "Email addresses" and "Git SSH Keys".
  3. Click "Create GitHub App".

Now that the app has been created, generate the client secret and private key, and store them carefully. You'll need to enter them in the DeepSource admin console later.


We recommend that the system administrator responsible for maintaining DeepSource Enterprise installation create the app.

  1. On the top right corner, click on your profile picture. From the drop-down menu, select "Settings".

  2. Select "Applications" from the sidebar which appears on the left.

  3. You'd be prompted to fill a form to create a new application. Enter the following details:

    Note: Replace ORGANIZATION_NAME with the name of your organization, and HOSTNAME with the actual hostname on which you plan to deploy DeepSource to.

    NameDeepSource ORGANIZATION_NAMEDeepSource Stark International
    Redirect URIhttps://HOSTNAME/accounts/gitlab/login/callback/
    ScopeCheck true for api, read_user and read_repository
  4. Click "Save Application".

  5. It shall provide you with APPLICATION_ID and SECRET. Enter these values in the DeepSource Enterprise admin console.

Google Source Repositories

To integrate with Google, we would create an OAuth App, and register the generated credentials with DeepSource (via Kotsadm) -- so that it knows where to route API requests to.

Kotsadm configuration

  1. Enable "Google Source Repositories" by clicking on the checkbox.
  2. Enter the Client ID and Secret you copied above.
  3. Enter a random string for "GSR Webhook Audience". Make sure to note it somewhere safe as you'll be asked to enter it again when registering webhooks later. You can use the following command:
    LC_ALL=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 18

Now your instance is ready, and you can go ahead and "Sign in with Google". Once you select a project, you'll also need to perform the following before proceeding:

Turn on webhooks

Running the following script will set it up for you:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

read -p "Enter the GCP project ID: " PROJECT_ID
read -p "Enter the GCP project number: " PROJECT_NUMBER
read -p "Enter the application hostname (e.g., " DEEPSOURCE_HOSTNAME
read -p "Enter the audience webhook keyword you entered in the configuration portal: " WEBHOOK_AUDIENCE

# Ensure that you've selected the right project
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

# Create a "deepsource" topic.
gcloud pubsub topics create projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/deepsource

# Configure GSR to publish a message as soon as a change is pushed to any of
# the repositories for the given project.
gcloud source project-configs update \
    --add-topic projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/deepsource \

# Only for projects created on or before April 8, 2021:
# grant Cloud Pub/Sub the permission to create tokens
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --member="serviceAccount:${PUBSUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \

# Next, we configure GSR to publish a message as soon as a commit is
# pushed to any of the repositories. However, in order to do that, we need to
# create an iam account. Let's get that out of the way:
gcloud iam service-accounts create deepsource-gsr \
    --description "Push messages, received from GSR, as webhooks to DeepSource for analysis." \
    --display-name "DeepSource Analysis for GSR"

# Allow the service account to consume a pubsub subscription.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:${GSR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \

# Subscribe to the topic we created before. It allows us to push out a webhook
# as soon as a message is received on the 'deepsource' topic.
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create projects/$PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/deepsource \
    --topic projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/deepsource \
    --push-endpoint https://$DEEPSOURCE_HOSTNAME/services/webhooks/gsr \
    --push-auth-token-audience $WEBHOOK_AUDIENCE \
    --push-auth-service-account ${GSR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT} \
    --min-retry-delay 10 \
    --max-retry-delay 600

Register the SSH Key.

  1. Copy the SSH key from the screen.
  2. Go to It might ask you for a password:
    • Add a suitable name, e.g., "deepsource"
    • Paste the public key and click "Register".